How to Update Your Bathroom Without Spending a Fortune

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Installing Water Features In Your Garden Hello! My name is Tina and this is my new blog. I am lucky enough to live in a wonderful home which has a large garden. I spent a long time learning all I could about home and garden design. I had the interior of my home renovated and new trees planted in the garden. However, I still felt that something was missing. One day, my friend came around to visit and suggested that I install a small pond and a fountain in the garden. I contacted a contractor who came around and advised me on the best features. I hope you like my blog.



An old and outdated bathroom can be more than just unattractive; it can also be cumbersome and irritating, as you spend too much time trying to clean old, dingy surfaces that never seem to sparkle no matter how much you scrub them! Despite this, many homeowners put off updating their bathroom simply because of the cost. If your home's bathroom needs an update, but you're on a limited budget, there are some quick and affordable fixes that can make the space seem fresh and new. Note a few suggestions you might try in your home's bathroom.


An old and outdated vanity can detract from any bathroom space, but you don't necessarily need to replace the vanity you have in your home's bathroom to update the look of the space. If the cabinet area is workable but the counter space is outdated, you can often get a very affordable piece of remnant granite to fit the vanity top. You can also paint the vanity cabinet rather than replace it, and replace the cabinet door handles for something updated and attractive. New faucets are also relatively affordable, and replacing these can give an old vanity an updated look for very little money.


Replacing shower tile in a bathroom can be expensive, but there are paints on the market that are applied right over the bathroom's tile. This paint will cover dingy and outdated tiles, along with grout that never seems to get clean, and make these surfaces seem fresh and new. This paint will also add a layer of protection against water damage to the home's framework, making it an affordable way to improve the look of the bathroom while also reducing the risk of mould.


Many bathrooms have a simple light fixture over the mirror, but once this fixture looks outdated and ugly, swap it out for something fresh and new! Not only will a new yet affordable light fixture look more attractive, but better lighting might also keep the bathroom tiles from looking dingy and dated.

Shower screen

For a quick update, get rid of a bathroom's shower curtain rod and the curtain itself and exchange it for a glass shower screen. Shower curtains can quickly look outdated and dirty, and clash with new paint or linens; glass screens, on the other hand, are timeless and work with any type of decor. Screens also don't show dirty fingerprints or other marks, making them an affordable way to keep a home's bathroom looking its best.

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